2012年11月28日 星期三

Gaming Entertainment

Social impact of Gaming Entertainment

1. Better infrastructure

When constructing the gambling sites, its related infrastructures have to be upgraded in an attempt to facilitate visitors.  
2. Better social welfares
Tax income from gambling can be used to alleviate the living standard of the impoverishment or enhance the public services so that every citizen can benefit from it. Other than government, the operators of gambling centers always donate their revenue for charity use which helps those needles.

3. Entertainment
Gambling without addiction is kinda an entertainment for people. Players can stay away from their stress for a while, restore the pressure and refresh their mind.
4. Popularity among the world
Once the place using Gambling hotel as the main attraction point for tourists, the first impression over that place would be their gambling hotel industry like Las Vegas and Macau.  When people think about gambling, these two places will probably come out from their mindset first. In this way, the gambling hotel industry helps building the countries’ popularity.

1. Problem gambling
Like drugs and tobacco, gambling makes someone who shows an emotional dependence on gambling and impaired control over such behaviour. If someone treats gambling as a habit, they can help doing it again and again. A survey from Truth-Light organization stated that every one day a person play gambling, the willingness in gambling increased 23.38 per cent in the following week. Moreover, they tend to pay close attention to themselves and soon being isolated. It harms the communities’ harmony.
2. Break the family relationship
Problem gamblers and theirs family always live under financial stress.  When time passes by, it would probably cause to relationship breakdown or even domestic violence.  The reduction of familial stability and household income pose a negative effect on children, if any. Children may follow their parents’ suit and act similarly in school or may get higher chance to fall into bad company or go astray.
3. Higher crime rate
Problem gamblers always are unemployed or even the have a job; they cannot meet both ends meet as the better parts of the income go to gambling. Those problem gamblers may final get money resort to robbery or in any illegal way.  Refer to the survey from Truth Light again, they found that people gambling every single time in the past one month, they will steal things 0.03 times more every week.
Also, in general, gambling comes with organized criminal activities (money laundering; hold-ups of gaming clubs; and offences within gaming clubs.
Besides, the increasing trend in gambling spurs to the illegal loan.

4. Higher cases of suicide
Some problem gamblers heighten their feelings of depression and anxiety which finally turns a lead to suicide. Prevalence Survey in 2007 found that 31 per cent of the problem gamblers felt depression related to gambling, and 14.5 per cent experienced it most of the time, or always.  Due to the low self-esteem, they are easily committed suicide.

Economic impact of Gaming Entertainment


1.  Increase tax revenue and revenue from tourism

Like Macau, the bet and sweep tax has increased for 13.4% and the total tax revenue has been over $140 billion in the first three seasons this year. It becomes a stable and important revenue center of Macau’s government. Also, after the development of gaming industry in Macau, the number of tourists had increased for three times in the recent twenty years.

2.  Increase job opportunity

Take Macau as an example, after years of development, many tourists would come to Macau because of its gaming industry. As the result, Macau has a nickname, the Eastern Las Vegas, it attracted some foreign capitals to invest in Macau. Nowadays, visitors would not only visit the casino but also have conventions or other activities. These could increase job opportunities in other industry such as restaurant and hospitality industry.


1.  May lead to income inequality
Like Macau, the GDP is even larger than Hong Kong. However, it is greatly relied on gaming-related industry. The average salary of gaming-related industry is double to average salary of all population of Macau. Other industry salary level could not follow the growth of GDP. As the results, it would lead to high inflation rate.

The successful strategies of operating gaming 


Focus on human resources management
Because of the fierce competition in the gaming industry, casino operators tend to attract and satisfy visitors or players by providing proper job training to staff such as the techniques of being dealers and attitude training. Therefore, front line employees make the visitors feel welcome and make them become loyal customers. Also, they try to improve staff benefits to motivate staff. Besides, to have sense of belongings to the casino, the casino operators provide a nicer employee dining area. Therefore, it encourages staff to perform better in order to attract more players to the casino.

In order to attract more players, most casino operators will keep renovate their casinos to keep the image fresh.

Explore the up-to-date trends and new development of gaming entertainment industry


The pace of change in information and communications technology is likely to influence future supply of interactive gambling services. Trends in technology have the ability to create new ways for providers to offer services. Technological advances can also influence services offered and increase accessibility through greater affordability — both of which have the potential to broaden the proportion of the population who can access interactive gambling services. Equally important is the response by governments to these changes, which will have an impact on the types of services offered and what people may be able to access in the future (both within and outside of the bounds of what is permissible under the IGA).

Expansion of broadband technology access and speeds

A potential future driver of change in the interactive gambling industry may come from expanded broadband coverage, and faster Broadband speeds. The National Broadband plan is the key policy initiative in this regard, currently being developed by the Government.

While still being negotiated with potential providers, the intention of the plan is to improve both the coverage of broadband across the country (thereby addressing current gaps in remote areas), as well as improve future broadband access speed.

Growth in use of ‘smartphone’ technology

Mobile gambling is now widely available through overseas hosts. The current services typically involve downloading casino games onto mobile devices (for gaming) or accessible mobile-enhanced websites (for wagering). Both of these current forms of mobile phone gambling require relatively sophisticated devices which have 3G connectivity (such as Blackberry, iPhone, Palm Treo etc). Essentially, these services are capitalizing on the shared interface between phone and Internet which the aforementioned devices provide.

While the affordability of these devices limits their take up, these devices are gaining popularity and have a growing share of the mobile phone market. Smart phones made up about 14 per cent of all mobile devices shipped globally in 2008 and should increase to more than 17 per cent of the total in 2009 (ABI Research 2009).

Digital Interactive TV

Interactive television can take multiple forms, one such type includes direct gambling on sporting events such as horse racing and football using a television remote control. In the UK, over 30 stations offer sports betting and fixed odds betting.

Some harm minimization measures are in place that allow subscribers to block access to the Sky Racing channel and limit usage only to those who hold a TAB account, enabled by a password. The service also includes responsible gaming messages on screen. There is currently no indication of further developments in interactive gambling through digital pay television, or digital free-to-air television. However, there are certainly technologies available which support interactive gambling if providers choose to pursue this option in the future.


1. Truth-Light Organization, 賭博對香港青少年的影響 http://www.legco.gov.hk/yr00-01/chinese/bc/bc56/papers/655c02.pdf 

2. Social and Economic Impact Study into Gambling in Tasmania http://www.treasury.tas.gov.au/domino/dtf/dtf.nsf/LookupFiles/Soc-Economic-Impact-Study-Vol1.pdf/$file/Soc-Economic-Impact-Study-Vol1.pdf 

11. Review of current and future trends in Interactive gambling activity and regulation (June 2009) & Review of current and future trends in Interactive gambling activity and regulation

